Setting Up

  1. Installation: First, ensure you have the Renaissance interpreter installed. You can download it from the Renaissance GitHub repository.
  2. Basic Structure: A Renaissance script typically begins with some basic setup for canvas size and color.

Example: Drawing a Simple Pattern

Here’s a step-by-step example to create a simple pattern.

Step 1: Create a New File

Create a new file named

Step 2: Basic Code Structure

// Set up canvas size
canvas(800, 600);

// Define background color
background(255, 255, 255);

Step 3: Drawing Shapes

Now, let’s draw some circles in a grid.

// Function to draw a grid of circles
function drawCircles(rows, cols, spacing) {
    for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
        for (var j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
            var x = j * spacing + spacing / 2;
            var y = i * spacing + spacing / 2;
            fill(random(255), random(255), random(255)); // Random color
            ellipse(x, y, 40, 40); // Draw circle

// Call the function to draw 5x5 circles with spacing of 100
drawCircles(5, 5, 100);

Step 4: Adding Effects

You can add some effects to make the pattern more interesting.

// Add transparency and outlines
function drawCirclesWithEffects(rows, cols, spacing) {
    for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
        for (var j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
            var x = j * spacing + spacing / 2;
            var y = i * spacing + spacing / 2;
            var r = random(255);
            var g = random(255);
            var b = random(255);
            fill(r, g, b, 150); // Set fill with transparency
            stroke(0); // Black outline
            ellipse(x, y, 40, 40); // Draw circle

// Call the function to draw the circles with effects
drawCirclesWithEffects(5, 5, 100);

Step 5: Run Your Script

Now, run your script in the Renaissance interpreter to see the output!


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